Stanford Th Jan 22 8PM: role of breath in emotion + surf survival

Please join us 8PM Thurs Jan 22 at the AEORC outdoor center for a talk by Robert H Lee on breath control, its role in emotion and focus, and applications to freediving, surf survival, and CA abalone diving.

Robert is Research Fellow in Law, Science & Technology at Stanford and an instructor with Performance Freediving. You can see a preview of his lecture here:
Here is an article on a freediving competition he worked on (he’s in pics 6 and 12):
His personal website:
If you are not familiar with Stanford campus, I suggest you write to me for parking/directions. And allocate at extra 20 min! The campus is confusing. I also plan on having a quick dinner at Coho (Tressider Union) at 7.
PS If you do not have a Stanford affiliation I strongly suggest you meet me at Coho at 7:30. Technically you are supposed to pay a $5 gym entrance fee to attend, but I may be able to sneak you in if you are with me.